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Learning Disabilities & Difficulties - Quick Facts

  • The first ‘go to’ is often pharmaceutical: Many learning challenges are quickly diagnosed as disabilities and medicated before proper exploration.
  • Gender bias: Females tend to receive less (needed) attention and help than males which can grossly thwart their learning potential, career trajectory,  and adult quality of life.
  • No child is an island: Helping parent(s) strategize challenge, and navigate resistance, is often paramount to success.

Learning difficulties are a specialty of the Swingle Clinic.

Why ‘difficulties’ not disorders? Because many educational (and behavioural) challenges are just that; difficult challenges that often benefit from a different approach –and some brain brightening during said approach.

At Swingle Clinic we carefully examine 5 regions of the brain that may be contributing to challenge. We then do a micro functional assessment (e.g., reading and / or writing or math) and jump in at the weakest point actively training the brain as the child learns the necessary skill.

We also work with learning disabilities and disorders including those common in developmental delay and neuroatypicality. These require a different approach. But the goal is the same: to maximize learning and scholastic achievement.

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